Saturday, August 7, 2010

Teton National Park to Lake Superior

Greetings from the Great Lakes! I am currently in Marquette, Michigan after spending a lovely week with Tessa on Madeline Island in Lake Superior. I feel pretty spoiled to take a vacation from a summer bike trip but this was a beautiful side adventure. Pristine sandy beaches and a lake that looked like an ocean without even the slightest fear of sharks. The riding has been amazing. The people who have taken us in have been gracious hosts and have shown us a good time in their respective cities. I can recall only one day in Montana crossing the Missouri River where we encountered clouds of mosquitoes that ate us to pieces in the heat of the day, climbing a steep grade. With this said at the end of the night with a warm meal and some Fritos, its not all bad.
Speaking of junk food Little Debbies is our official sponsor of the trip with a Brownie that hefts in at 530 calories for fifty cents. We are awaiting a dish in Canada that Peter told us about that has french fries covered in cheese curds and them smothered in gravy. The group grew to five and since Brandon and Chris have split off to do their own thing. We are leaving for a few more days of riding the U.P. of Michigan before crossing into Canada visiting Toronto and then making our way to Portland Maine. From there the next part of the adventure will begin: getting back without taking a plane.

Apostle Islands


Is that a Sea MONSTER? or just a silly face?

Getting there in style

Peter was a few short blocks from the Lake in Duluth. I was bummed not to take a photo with Peter.

Rail to trail into Duluth

Velodrome outside of Minneapolis

The Mississippi

Bonnie and June.

Minneapolis had impressive bike paths and trails all over the city. It was super easy to navigate and the aside from the winters tons of people were riding their bikes.

Derek resting in Spicer.(not very good at that thing)

One of the ten thousand lakes of Minnesota

This is the BIGGEST Tractor to date.

Wheat in the breadbasket

Most of the riding through the plains looked like this. Or insert Corn or Soybeans, but still flat crops.

Getting lost in all the crops. Map of North Dakota didn't help much.

Oil and wheat two of my favorite things. So North Dakota was at the top of my list for places to visit with wheat and oil. Lots of Halliburton up here.

Yes America is Awesome!

The Earth is flat!

Tom and Cyndi put us up in style in man land and fed us silly amounts of delicious BBQ

Tom and Cyndi's place

Riding into Bozeman

Leaving Yellowstone along the Yellowstone River.


Basalt columns as far as the eye could see.

The typical seen in Yellowstone. Bison own the streets

Is that a broken FRAME?
Broke at the drive side dropout and he was able to hitch in two rides to Tom and Cyndi's and was to a bike shop in 2 hours staring at a Long Haul Trucker in his size. Don't question the flow.

After a dip in the river with a hot spring to boot.

Time for a Bath

People get gored doing this. I just take photos.

Just a glimmer of Yellowstone's thermal activity

Typical day at the office

Tetons toward Yellowstone


1 comment:

  1. tedddddddddd! call me when you get into to the bay! 707 280.3713 xojen
